Money 為什麼叫Money咧?(當然不是因為Change叫Change囉!)
有很多人會覺得我的暱稱很臭屁,為什麼我要叫 G-Money. 是因為我很有錢嗎? Nah. 這個暱稱會出現的原因,可就有一點年代久遠了. 相信在1990s 住在Vancouver的人都有印象, Seattle Super Sonic’s PG, Gary Payton. During the time, 電視有轉撥最多的就是 Sonics. 那時候還沒Vancouver Grizzlies [(後來也只是個爛隊, 老闆也是爛咖一枚 (這個的話就有機會再寫吧)). 當時基於沒什麼選擇性,只好有轉播就看. 那時候也是 Reign Man + The Glove 的 Golden years. 再加上地理條件的因素, 想當然爾的, I became a Sonics fan. 尤其喜歡 Payton, 因為他也叫 Gary. 其實也忘記是哪一場球賽了,反正就是當比數咬的很緊的時候, Payton跳出來and made a crucial shot (and in bball terms, it’s usually call the “money shot”). 隔天Sonics 又打了一場, 場邊的主持人就開始敘述前一天的比賽. “The scores were tied, and then G-Money jumped out and made the money shot from the free-throw line and the Sonics won the game.” That was the 1st time I ever heard about the name. 加上年輕的時候總是會覺得自己很厲害,很強,所以一定要來個很屌的nickname. Therefore, I have continuing using the name “G-Money” ever since (however, I don’t recall myself hitting any game winning shots…).

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